芽庄The Costa 长租公寓

您正在寻找在芽庄长期出租的房间吗?Zoom Apartment在The Costa Nha Trang Residences管理50多个公寓,提供按月和按年的出租服务。请通过热线立即联系我们以获取咨询和支持!

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Zoom Apartment and Zoom Real Estate in Nha Trang city

Zoom is a property management organization, managing properties on behalf of unit owners who need a professional company to take care for their real estate investments, including finding tenants. As of this date, we are managing properties in about 5 buildings. Zoom also has a real estate agency department, assisting customers with consultation about local buildings, properties, and real estate in Nha Trang.     

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“Вы можете заполнить форму ниже, мы поможем вам найти подходящую недвижимость“

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Zoom Apartment and Zoom Real Estate in Nha Trang city

Zoom is a property management organization, managing properties on behalf of unit owners who need a professional company to take care for their real estate investments, including finding tenants. As of this date, we are managing properties in about 5 buildings. Zoom also has a real estate agency department, assisting customers with consultation about local buildings, properties, and real estate in Nha Trang.